VCC Q3 2006 - results!
It is time to announce the first place winner of VCC Q3 2006. We are quite excited today in getting you the result. The aim of My Dhaba's virtual cooking competition is to honor excellence in food blogging, recognize the individuals, to develop and raise the visibility of food blogging and creative talent, and showcase the participating food and drink recipes. It was indeed a very tough tough competition. The first place winner of the VCC is decided solely based on the votes received during our public opinion poll. Hope you liked the colorful array of VCC entries.
And the winner of VCC Q3 2006 is...

Yes, the first place winner of VCC Q3 2006 is Mae Gabriel for her entry VCC 105 - the Tiger Prawns Spring Rolls at Rice and Noodles. Heartiest congratulations and kudos Mae for all of your great efforts and success at VCC.
Folks - we hope that all of you enjoyed and had great fun in participating at VCC. My Dhaba team would like to thank each one of you, the participants, supporters, and readers, for your contributions at VCC.
Would you like to be notified as soon as we announce the details of VCC Q4 2006? Here is the link to join our Google Group.
VCC: VCC Q3 2006
And the winner of VCC Q3 2006 is...

Yes, the first place winner of VCC Q3 2006 is Mae Gabriel for her entry VCC 105 - the Tiger Prawns Spring Rolls at Rice and Noodles. Heartiest congratulations and kudos Mae for all of your great efforts and success at VCC.
Folks - we hope that all of you enjoyed and had great fun in participating at VCC. My Dhaba team would like to thank each one of you, the participants, supporters, and readers, for your contributions at VCC.
Would you like to be notified as soon as we announce the details of VCC Q4 2006? Here is the link to join our Google Group.
VCC: VCC Q3 2006
Congrulations to the winnner.
Happy thanks giving :)
excellent selection.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Congratulations, Mae!
And what a winner of a recipe! Congratulations to Mae,and we look forward to the next time.
Congrats! A very good choice...
Oh, my! I can't tell you how happy this has made me! It's great to have come here and find this delightful news!
Thank you so much VK, the sponsors and everyone who voted for my recipe!!!
Mae :)
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