
Press release: Help the past nurture the future!

Here is the update of the Feed a Hungry Child campaign's group cookbook project - You can Cook.

Total recipe contributions received as of today - 72 recipes.
Target - 365 traditional heirloom recipes, written by 300+ authors, all from the public domain. Deadline for submission is January 31, 2007.

Folks - We need your help. Kindly find below a draft press release which has gone out to a few national dailies, magazines, and periodicals. Please pass it on to your journalist friends who can help us getting it published.

Press release: Help the past nurture the future - participate in the ‘You Can Cook’ cookbook project!

Did you always mean to write down Dadi’s daal recipe? Have you been procrastinating about noting down Nani’s pickle recipe? Amma’s chutney, Mausi’s biryani, or Paati's kolumbu, whatever the recipe, here is a unique chance to keep your promise to yourself as well as contribute to a worthy project.

The ‘You Can Cook” cookbook project invites contributions for heirloom recipes (recipes cooked at home that are in danger of extinction). The ‘You Can Cook” cookbook project is a collaborative effort on the part of food lovers the world over. The purpose of this project is two pronged; that of documenting disappearing recipes along with practical hands-on cooking advice as well the larger goal of raising funds from the sale of the book for the FAHC (feed a hungry child) campaign. 365 recipes will be short listed and published into a book with an appealing format that will enhance the shelf of any cook or food lover. Keep your promise to destiny, call that master chef in your family and send in his/her heirloom recipes along with their story and your email address (in case we require clarification) to You will find the submission guidelines at

The objective of the FAHC campaign is to replace the empty plates of underprivileged children and replace it with one of food and the campaign undertakes to feed 1000 hungry children in 2007. While FAHC will address the holistic needs of each child it supports, it believes illiteracy and other concerns can only be addressed when hunger is appeased. For a hungry growing child, going to school is not as important as having enough food to eat. FAHC intends to raise funds through direct donation as well as various fund raising drives and distribute them amongst organizations that address the needs of underprivileged children.

FAHC invites contributions from food lovers, affluent and influential people, philanthropists, and organizations alike. Join in this fight against hunger in any way you can. You might not have recipes or funds but you might have time, the project requires volunteers in the fields of editing, marketing and publishing and even simply to spread the word. A list of requirement is being maintained on the project blog which also carries more information regarding the campaign. For further information or queries please contact

VCC: VCC Q4-2006: FAHC: FAHC-campaign

1 comment:

  1. Hi VKN,

    I want to contribute few recepies but I dont have a camera to take photos. Let me try to take the pictures from my camara phone.
    Any suggestions........
