VCC Q4 2006 - You Can Cook for FAHC Campaign
We are quite pleased in choosing VCC Q4 2006 as a venue for receiving contributions for FAHC campaign's group book project ‘You Can Cook’.
Here is our invitation to all food and drink lovers from all around the world to participate in this project that can make a positive difference in the lives of many underpriviledged children.
Who may participate?
The contributions to the group book project may be submitted by all food lovers – homemakers, food and drink bloggers, website owners, noncompeting chefs, and culinary students.
What to submit?
The theme of the group book project is “You Can Cook for FAHC campaign”.
The project's aim is to produce a recipe book which is not only full of comfort food recipes but also full of memories – a perfect gift to all food lovers. You may submit any of the endangered recipes that you know and cook at home which are in danger of extinction, homely favorites, or recipes that are truly traditional, historical, ethnic, or classic in nature. Most of the traditional recipes are passed on and handed down to us by our elderly people at home. Traditional way of cooking is done by using just basic ingredients which are always ready to hand. Let us gather all those recipes that are used for at least a generation or two and preserve those in our ‘You Can Cook” book.
There is a possibility of producing one big book with multi-cuisine recipes in it. Another opportunity is to produce different books niching on different unique and best cuisines of the world. We would be able to decide this solely based on the number of contributions received at VCC Q4 2006.
Basic outline/contents/categories?
- homemade spice powders, basic things needed at home
- appetizers/soups/stews/sauces
- breakfast preparations
- rice preparations
- main entrée, vegetarian dishes, pulses and lentils
- main entrée, non-vegetarian (eggs/poultry/lamb/beef/pork)
- side dishes, snacks
- desserts, sweets, beverages
- pickles, jams, preserves, cakes, cookies
- and all other dishes which you think should appear at ‘You Can Cook’ book
How to submit?
1. Submit your recipe contributions by e-mailing it to us at Please keep the subject line as “You Can Cook for FAHC Campaign”. Please include the original recipe details, one end-result picture as attachment, your full name, name of the recipe, recipe source, and your endorsement* statement in your e-mail.
2. Each contributor may submit any number of their favorite recipes to be included in this group book project.
3. Submitted work must be an original work of the entrant, their family members, or friends. Kindly note that we will not accept any copyrighted recipe which is published in any other cookbooks.
4. You may include a few sentences quoting why you think your recipes should be included in the book, history of the recipe, an amusing anecdote, traditional cooking tips associated with the recipe, etc. It helps. We will properly attribute all these with your recipe.
5. Recipe contributions from food bloggers/web site owners – your contributions must have been blogged in your blog or must have been published in your web site. You may give your permalink url's of the contributing recipes via comments of this post or via an e-mail as mentioned before. You may also want to tag your entries as follows – [Tagged with: VCC: VCC Q4-2006: FAHC: FAHC-campaign]. Please just ensure that you mention your full name, blog/website name (in the way you want to see it in the book), permalink url's, names of your recipes (bilingual for regional recipes), recipe source, and your endorsement* statement in your message.
6. Only the contributions received via email or as a comment to this post will be accepted in this project.
7. When an entry is processed, the contributor will receive an e-mail receipt confirming receipt of your endorsements in this project.
8. My Dhaba will not be responsible for any incomplete or disqualified contributions and will also not be held responsible for any breach of copyright for recipes, stories or anecdotes sent to us for submission. All recipe contributions will be reviewed and may be edited prior to publishing.
9. All recipe submissions are subject to our Copyright and Disclaimer Policy. By submitting your recipe contributions you affirm that all the recipe submissions are yours and you have the right to share it and give My Dhaba free permission to reproduce and utilize it at the FAHC campaign. Deadline? The deadline for receiving contributions was February 28, 2007. Since the project team is now working on the content development of the contributed recipes - proofread/edit/standardization, we will keep the recipe submission deadline open for a few more days.
Your kind support is needed to get the word out. Please share this post's url with your family and friends. You may also please give a link to on your website. Bloggers and webmasters, please feel free to use the logo below (you will get a better quality image and preferred size by clicking on the image).

*A sample statement of endorsement which you can use - "By participating in My Dhaba's group book project 'You Can Cook for FAHC Campaign', the food lovers and food bloggers are creating new ways to motivate individuals and organizations across the world to expand their mission and join the fight against global poverty. I am pleased to support this effort and urge all food lovers to contribute. May God bless everyone who make a contribtution in this group book project."
Folks - over to you now. We welcome you to participate in this project and look forward to your family recipe contributions.
VCC: VCC Q4-2006: FAHC: FAHC-campaign
Here is our invitation to all food and drink lovers from all around the world to participate in this project that can make a positive difference in the lives of many underpriviledged children.
Who may participate?
The contributions to the group book project may be submitted by all food lovers – homemakers, food and drink bloggers, website owners, noncompeting chefs, and culinary students.
What to submit?
The theme of the group book project is “You Can Cook for FAHC campaign”.
The project's aim is to produce a recipe book which is not only full of comfort food recipes but also full of memories – a perfect gift to all food lovers. You may submit any of the endangered recipes that you know and cook at home which are in danger of extinction, homely favorites, or recipes that are truly traditional, historical, ethnic, or classic in nature. Most of the traditional recipes are passed on and handed down to us by our elderly people at home. Traditional way of cooking is done by using just basic ingredients which are always ready to hand. Let us gather all those recipes that are used for at least a generation or two and preserve those in our ‘You Can Cook” book.
There is a possibility of producing one big book with multi-cuisine recipes in it. Another opportunity is to produce different books niching on different unique and best cuisines of the world. We would be able to decide this solely based on the number of contributions received at VCC Q4 2006.
Basic outline/contents/categories?
- homemade spice powders, basic things needed at home
- appetizers/soups/stews/sauces
- breakfast preparations
- rice preparations
- main entrée, vegetarian dishes, pulses and lentils
- main entrée, non-vegetarian (eggs/poultry/lamb/beef/pork)
- side dishes, snacks
- desserts, sweets, beverages
- pickles, jams, preserves, cakes, cookies
- and all other dishes which you think should appear at ‘You Can Cook’ book
How to submit?
1. Submit your recipe contributions by e-mailing it to us at Please keep the subject line as “You Can Cook for FAHC Campaign”. Please include the original recipe details, one end-result picture as attachment, your full name, name of the recipe, recipe source, and your endorsement* statement in your e-mail.
2. Each contributor may submit any number of their favorite recipes to be included in this group book project.
3. Submitted work must be an original work of the entrant, their family members, or friends. Kindly note that we will not accept any copyrighted recipe which is published in any other cookbooks.
4. You may include a few sentences quoting why you think your recipes should be included in the book, history of the recipe, an amusing anecdote, traditional cooking tips associated with the recipe, etc. It helps. We will properly attribute all these with your recipe.
5. Recipe contributions from food bloggers/web site owners – your contributions must have been blogged in your blog or must have been published in your web site. You may give your permalink url's of the contributing recipes via comments of this post or via an e-mail as mentioned before. You may also want to tag your entries as follows – [Tagged with: VCC: VCC Q4-2006: FAHC: FAHC-campaign]. Please just ensure that you mention your full name, blog/website name (in the way you want to see it in the book), permalink url's, names of your recipes (bilingual for regional recipes), recipe source, and your endorsement* statement in your message.
6. Only the contributions received via email or as a comment to this post will be accepted in this project.
7. When an entry is processed, the contributor will receive an e-mail receipt confirming receipt of your endorsements in this project.
8. My Dhaba will not be responsible for any incomplete or disqualified contributions and will also not be held responsible for any breach of copyright for recipes, stories or anecdotes sent to us for submission. All recipe contributions will be reviewed and may be edited prior to publishing.
9. All recipe submissions are subject to our Copyright and Disclaimer Policy. By submitting your recipe contributions you affirm that all the recipe submissions are yours and you have the right to share it and give My Dhaba free permission to reproduce and utilize it at the FAHC campaign. Deadline? The deadline for receiving contributions was February 28, 2007. Since the project team is now working on the content development of the contributed recipes - proofread/edit/standardization, we will keep the recipe submission deadline open for a few more days.
Your kind support is needed to get the word out. Please share this post's url with your family and friends. You may also please give a link to on your website. Bloggers and webmasters, please feel free to use the logo below (you will get a better quality image and preferred size by clicking on the image).

Folks - over to you now. We welcome you to participate in this project and look forward to your family recipe contributions.
VCC: VCC Q4-2006: FAHC: FAHC-campaign
Labels: FAHC
I will add the statement to my blog. Let me know if you need help in way. I will certainly contribute a recipe
VKN, this is an excellent and timely idea. I would like to contribute to this project. I will also add the statement to my blog. Let me know if I can help in any other way.
Wonderful idea:)
I will be happy to contribute to this project. I will add the statement to my blog too...
Good Luck!
Great idea, shall add the statement to my blog soon and post a recipe by Jan
This is a marvellous idea!I would definetly like to contribute to this huge project. I will send a recipe as soon as posssible & will also add the statement& logo to my blog.
Let me know if I can help in this Campaign in any other way....Rohita
Hi VKN, Just got to hear about this through Rushina of a Perfect Bite and I would love to contribute a recipe and photo to the book. All the very best with your efforts and a Happy New Year.
Dear All - many thanks for your goodwill and willingness to participate in the group book project. Here is the link to the new blog soley dedicated for the campaign -
Sweet, Loved the Idea. Better late than never isn't it. I am in for this
This is a really nice article. I am sure a lot of people will benefit from it. Thanks for sharing information keep it up.
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