VCC 148 - Gujarati Dhebras

In Dilip's own words, "Simple snack made out of Bajra (millet), corn and wheat flour. We simply call them Vadas or Dhebras. There are many variations of these Vadas/Dhebras but the unique distinction being these are typical made on the 2nd day of Diwali or Kali Choudas. There are lots of superstitions around that partivclar day and making vadas on the day is used to cast off evil spirits. There are various rituals performed on the day, it’s even been known to place vadas on the four corners of a crossroads. I am sure there are lots more rituals which have a direct or indirect link to these vadas.
My mother also reminds me how the vadas where eaten during long journeys, especially when then there was a migration of people that moved from India to East Africa to help build the railways in the 40s and 50s. The steamship crossing took days and Vada were ideal food, since they can keep for days on end. These vadas undoubtedly fits into the traditional category, been in the family ever since I can remember. "
The recipe details of Gujarati dhebras are here.
VCC: VCC Q4-2006: FAHC: FAHC-campaign
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